If you believe a child you know has been abused, molested, neglected or otherwise maltreated, please report it today.
Local Law Enforcement
Call 911
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Wyoming Department of Family Services (DFS)
To report neglect or abuse, contact the DFS field office in your community.
Local DFS Offices by Community
Afton (307) 886-9232
Buffalo (307) 684-5513
Casper (307) 473-3900
Cheyenne (307) 777-7921
Cody (307) 587-6246
Douglas (307) 358-3138
Evanston (307) 789-2756
Gillette (307) 682-7277
Glenrock (307) 436-9068
Greybull (307) 765-9453
Jackson (307) 733-7757
Kemmerer (307) 877-6670
Lander (307) 332-4038
Laramie (307) 745-7324
Lusk (307) 334-2153
Lyman (307) 786-4011
Newcastle (307) 746-4657
Pinedale (307) 367-4124
Powell (307) 754-2245
Rawlins (307) 328-0612
Riverton (307) 856-6521
Rock Springs (307) 362-5630
Sheridan (307) 672-2404
Sundance (307) 283-2014
Thermopolis (307) 864-2158
Torrington (307) 532-2191
Wheatland (307) 322-3790
Worland (307) 347-6181
National Cybertip line
Operated by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) at http://www.cybertipline.com